Jack Goldman Embroideries, Inc. (American, ca 1936 - after 1980s)

Jack Goldman Embroideries, Inc. was a textile company specialized in hand embroidery and beading of couture pieces. Till the 1970s, beading has been on the wane in New York, and there were only a few places left where the work could be commissioned. On Seventh Avenue, Jack GOLDMAN created an institution, he either supplied his own designs or executed those that were brought to him by such clients as Oscar de la RENTA, Calvin KLEIN, Geoffrey BEENE and Mollie PARNIS. After seasons of dwindling work, his business were booming. His specialty was handbeading wth different types of beads, which came in a bewildering variety of shapes, cuts and sizes: faceted cut‐glass "jewels" from Austria; cylinder‐shaped bugle beads; dotlike roses montees; round rocailles; and paillettes, which are large sequins. They used to get them all from Czechoslovakia, but then Japan and Italy have gotten into the picture. In 1979 his head bender was Emily SOMMA.