COVID-19 mask


Inventory number
Hand made face mask in a blue and white tartan print cotton with two thin elastic bands on each side for ears. The upper part is reinforced inside with a metal wire, to repeat the form of the nose bridge.

The confinement having compartmentalized the populations at home, rare were the companies which functioned in the first months of the year 2020. The global demand for surgical masks at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic created a major shortage to which populations tried to respond by manufacturing masks themselves. Most of his homemade masks, without notion of sewing, were made from rectangles pieces of fabric cut from old kitchen towels, as well as old fashion T-shirts to which rubber bands were attached. Then small structures were created to deal with the shortage, up to the manufacture of Haute Couture pieces towards the end of the peak of the pandemic.
circa 2020 Russia
Length : 32 cm
Height : 13 cm
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COVID-19 mask
COVID-19 mask